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Assignment 9 (LAST): Dialogue

 I had the most fun with this assignment because I was able to show character acting in the animation whereas in the other animations I did, it was mainly simple mechanics. In here, there was also audio and I was able to see how much an audio can add life to an animation. This shows that voice acting is very important because you can even say that a good voice acting brings up the quality of an animation indirectly. This was really difficult because I had to draw most of the frames without a tablet so this assignment was extra challenging. I think it doesn't look terrible, though I still think it looks choppy and weird at some moments. But this is an example of how great voice acting can bring to life such a simple animation. The voice actor is Yuji Kaki, the voice actor for the main character of "Attack on Titan" which is one of the, if not the most popular anime of this decade. I was able to download harmony on my laptop, so I will definitely be practicing a little bit
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Assignment 8: Walk Cycle

 This was a fairly straightforward assignment. I actually think this one was easier than the weight assignment, despite me getting a lower score on this one. But the reason for that is because I spent way less time on this assignment. I spent considerable more time on the weight assignment. The reason as to why I think this assignment was easier is because you can look up references to guide you while drawing each frame. For example: I followed this guide, and my animation came out fairly smooth, the only inconsistencies were in the drawings but I think I did a good job with the animation. To make this better, I should've added a background. I was actually thinking of drawing some buildings in the back and some cars passing on the road to demonstrate even better the walk cycle. Overall, I still think I did a pretty decent job and in my opinion it looks smooth.

Assignment 7: Weight

Despite this being one of the hardest challenging, I found this one the most fun because I experimented a lot. Before I was usually scared to make drawing continuously thinking it wasn't going to work, but for this one I did drawing continuously and then I looked at how it looked when I was done drawing. So, in total I drew +100 frames (don't remember the exact number of frames) without analyzing how it looked, but just went with the flow assuming it was good. Obviously this led to a decent amount of mistakes, it looked "swimmy" because each drawing had different proportions,  so it looked a bit weird. Despite this, you could clearly tell what the character was trying to do, and I think I did a fairly good job at portraying the struggle in the character's face as he was trying to push the boulder. Additionally, I think it was a nice touch to add the character scratching its head before it attempted to push the boulder. As mentioned before, the "swimmy" l

Assignment 6: Headturn

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Assignment 4 and 5: Flour Sack Gestures and Animation

 This assignment was pretty difficult. It involved two parts, in which we first had to draw gestures for a character, in this case a flour sack, which we would then animate using those gestures as references. I drew this gestures on paper and I do have to say, I feel much more comfortable drawing on paper than on a tablet. The difference between drawing on computer and on paper for me is massive. I do a much better job at drawing on paper. As seen from this, the point of this was to come up with as many gestures as possible and then choose one to bring it "to life" by animating a sequence involving the gesture. I ended up choosing the murder gesture which involved two flour sacks instead of one. As mentioned at the beginning, this was a difficult assignment mainly because it was hard to precisely animate how the body would react to shooting a gun and then how a body would react to being shot. After looking at references, this became even harder, in the sense that I realized t

Assignment 3: Overlapping Action

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Assignment 2: Bouncing Ball

 This was the first assignment where I felt challenged. I still think I could've made a much simpler animation and got the same score. I spent around 2 hours on this (if I remember correctly) but I got way too ambitious with this. In fact, I was even going to do it more complex than it currently is but I got too stressed and decided to rush it.  As you can see from the video, I think I did a good job with the bounce of the ball when it bounced off the stairs. My goal was to give it a "trampoline effect" which is why the ball went down, pulling the stair downwards with it and then up, just like a trampoline. This took a bit of time as it was my first time attempting something like this and I did it without reference which was probably not the best decision. As seen from the animation, a hand appears out of nowhere and pushes the ball, following this, the ball is able to break through the stair wall and bounces off the wall, ultimately ending at the floor. At first, my goal