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Assignment 3: Overlapping Action

 Coming from the bouncing ball, this assignment was actually much simpler. But I believe this was because of how I decided to make my bouncing ball assignment. Even still, I believe this assignment was easier. In my personal opinion, I would put this assignment first and then the bouncing ball assignment. I think this one involved a bit more of the timing and spacing assignment knowledge. This is because when the pendulum had to slow down, you had to do more frames to make it look like it was going slower, similar to the ease in/out where you would do more frames at the beginning/end to make it look slower.

I do think I could've done a much better job at this. I feel like the stop feels unnatural, and an easy fix for this would be to have more frames in between to make it even slower when the pendulum is about to go to a stop. Or, I could also have a couple of frames on threes, I could've experimented a bit more, maybe have a couple on fours, just to see how it looked. Despite rushing this assignment, I still think I did a decent job at showing how the pendulum was going at a high speed and then slowing down without making it look too abrupt. I think I did a good job at transitioning from high to low speed in a smooth manner.
